Travelling inexpensively across the globe is as much a state of mind as wallet. Think simply. Expect the simple pleasures of life and the world. Look for new experiences and shared adventures. None of which rely on luxury hotels or tight schedules.
Travel light and unencumbered. Keep your needs to a minimum. It's remarkable how much stuff we usually pack which we never even unpack. The less baggage you have the less time you need be worrying about it and finding places to store it. There will be times when you are paying for accommodation only because you need somewhere to store your luggage.
Take your time. You will be amazed at how not having a strict agenda can open up alternatives in getting about.
Connect with the people into whose lands you travel. Don't be a tourist who looks and takes photographs but be a traveler who experiences. Allowing yourself the time and the openness to connect will often lead to making friends with whom you can not only exchange ideas and share adventures with but often leads to invitations to meals or even free accommodation.
Consider learning a simple skill that can be exchanged anywhere you go for lodging or food. Or be prepared to find simple work (such as fruit picking) in exchange for lodging and meals.
Of course the cheapest way to travel the world as cheaply as possible is to find a job that involves travel but if that isn't possible there are still many ways to stretch your money to make the most of any travelling holiday.
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